Femme and Attraction Mastery
- How to be more feminine and attractive to the right men using my ABC’s method
- Become a feminine wife through feminine archetype mapping, transforming beliefs and character
- Identifying Attraction blocks stopping you from attracting quality men
- Tackling the no. 1 attraction block for many women of faith - even if you haven’t dated for a long time, or are pursuing celibacy or purity
- Embodying femininity - breaking bad habits and setting new habits
Feminine Detox & Healing
- Soul detox and inner healing
- Healing the Inner Child
- Forgiveness
- Decluttering your mind and environment for peace
Emotional Mastery and Femininity
Self coaching tools to help heal your emotions for feminine joy, connection and attraction in al circumstances including how to:
- Validate and process your feelings
- Connect deeply with self, God and others through language
- Manage your triggers
- Identify and align unhelpful thinking styles