Relate with Kings Course: Captivate, Fascinate and Activate Kings

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  • Relate with Kings Course: Captivate, Fascinate and Activate Kings




4 Lessons

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Master the relationship skills to help you attract, captivate and influence kings

It’s one thing to attract quality men but it’s quite another to keep them attracted for marriage. Commitment and beyond

In the feminine Influence and relationship mastery course you will learn and master relationship skills that will help you both attract the right man for you and inspire him to commit, and  provide, protect and pursue you for marriage and beyond.

Module 1: Captivate, Fascinate, and Activate Kings

2 Lessons


About the teacher

Relationship and Healing Coach Swabrina

Swabrina is a Healing and Relationship Coach that specialises in helping women transform their life and relationships through faith, femininity, and finding purpose.

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