Generational & Spiritual Root Cause Healing- Crushes Generational Curses & Cycles, Create New Legacy

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  • Generational & Spiritual Root Cause Healing- Crushes Generational Curses & Cycles, Create New Legacy




2 Lessons

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Do you know why some people get married and stay happily married without even trying. Do you know why some find love early without even looking and yet some others go through so much heartbreak and broken relationships even though they are attractive, have good wifely character, and even put in all ‘the work’- healing, counselling, and all the things but are still single and/or suffer in the area of marriage and relationship?

This course looks at the spiritual and generational root cause of the negative experiences many face in their relationships and failed efforts towards a happy marriage. You will also learn the scientific and biblical method for breaking generational curses and cycles holistically, spiritually, genetically, generationally, mentally, and physically

Module 1: Create a Renewed Legacy

1 Lesson

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Module 2: Spiritual Healing and the Curse of Prolonged Singleness

1 Lesson


About the teacher

Relationship and Healing Coach Swabrina

Swabrina is a Healing and Relationship Coach that specialises in helping women transform their life and relationships through faith, femininity, and finding purpose.

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